Live Archive vol 2 – Stereofields forever
1. Entrance 2.35
2. The Cosmic Garden 6.25
3. Desert Miracle 6.20
4. People at Sunset 7.10
5. Intro 1.20
6. Sky Archeologist 13.15
7. Lunar Mansion 11.15
8. Gigaherz 9.25
9. Finale 7.05
1-4: Charm of Sound, Vanha YO-talo, Helsinki 28.10.1997
5-7. Charm of Sound, Vanha YO-talo, Helsinki 24.11.1998
8. Tampere Biennale, Tampere 12.4.2002
9. Pauanne Ambient Concert, Kaustinen 17.7.2004
Here´s the second part of Nemesis´ live archives. This time the focus is on the years when we were trying to find new directions after the techno scene had become mainstream. It was time to look into the future, but also into the past!
Personally I feel that the music on this album gives a very good view on our probably most fruitful period and its concert perfomances. The scope is rather wide and gives good evidence that we didn´t force our music into a genre, we just let it happen… Perhaps therefore it sounds fresh and vibrant even today. I hope you will agree?